Friday 12 December 2014

Best Places in India to Celebrate Christmas

Goa Christmas

Goa is a connotation for celebration, especially, when it comes to Christmas. With its sizable Roman Catholic population and not to forget Portuguese legacy, Goa has the impression of celebrating Christmas with immense zeal and pomp and show. The party capital of India becomes livelier during the Advent Season and one can actually feel the much spoken warmth of Christmas. The entire city is decorated with poinsettia flowers and lights.  In the midnight, masses sing carols and this goes on till early hours of the morning. Even the beach shacks and restaurants serve Christmas lunches and dinners and have live bands playing. There all night long parties organized on the beaches like Anjuna, Mapusa and Candolim.


Puducherry Christmas Place
The French influence in Puducherry has done some good indeed! If you are seeking a zealous Christmas celebration that is peaceful at the same time, then Puducherry is the place for you. Like Goa, Puducherry also have a good population of Roman Catholic population, which means that this Union Territory has also got its own way of celebrating this joyful occasion. During the Christmas season, Puducherry becomes brighter and you can feel the exuberance in the ambiance and you are compelled to be a part of it. The church service on the day of Christmas in Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Eglise de Notre Dame des Anges (The Church of Our Lady of Angels), The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Church of the Assumption, The Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, and Church of Our Lady of Good Health are quite a sight to witness.


We all know that Kerala is the home of several churches and very well can guess that it can be one of the best places to celebrate Christmas. Each street is decorated and the churches remain open almost all night. The restaurants offer heavy discounts on food and drink. There is a local touch to this high spirit festival and it is something that you need to witness rather than be told about. Adding to the joy are gorgeous beaches and serene backwaters, where you surely want to spend some time.


Mumbai Christmas Place
Mumbai is yet another place in India, where the warmth of Christmas can be greatly felt. The bakeries are replete with season’s best desserts and the shopping falls are decorated in a way to give festive feel. The western suburb of Bandra is the specific area where the spirit of Christmas can be felt the most, this area is mostly inhabited by Catholics and thus one can see the houses and streets decorated with lights and Christmas trees. Also, there are many churches in Mumbai such as Holy Name Cathedral, Saint Thomas’s Cathedral, Gloria Church, Saint Michael’s Church, Mount Mary’s Basilica, Saint Peter’s Church, Saint Andrew’s Church and Lady of Immaculate Conception, where you can attend lively midnight mass. Since, Mumbai is a excellent place to party, you can expect lot of Christmas eve parties here as well.

Daman and Diu

Daman and Diu Christmas Place
Thanks to the Portuguese connection that this Union Territory in India has a charming way of celebrating Christmas. Situated off the coast of Gujarat, the otherwise quiet Daman and Diu becomes lively and bright during the Christmas season. Several cultural shows are organized here; one can even see Portuguese dance form like Surrounding. The vibrant lamps brighten the night sky making these places phenomenal during the festive season. One may also like to attend the mass in churches like Saint Paul’s Church, Se Cathedral and Church of Our Lady of Rosary.

Dadra Nagar and Haveli

Dadra Nagar and Haveli are some of lesser spoken about destinations, however, they have great potentials to become popular tourist places in India. Ideally, December is the best time to see this Union Territory as one can witness the grand celebration here. Christmas is celebrated in traditional way and has a tribal touch, which is quite interesting to see. There are some beautiful churches in Dadra Nagar and Haveli and on the occasion of Christmas they are decorated magnificently. One can attend mass service in one of the Churches that are full of festive spirit. Apart from this, Dadra Nagar and Haveli have some exotic beaches, where you and your loved ones can spend some quality time on Christmas.


Kolkata Christmas Place
The City of Joy becomes brighter and livelier during the Christmas season. The aroma of fruit cake and pastries fill the air and markets become crowded. Although, Christmas is not one of the major celebrations in Kolkata, the city has some affection attached to it. Park Street is one place that makes the festive mood go extravagant. You may find that the apart from Christians, people from other communities offering prayers and singing carols in the midnight mass in the churches. Also, during the festive season heavy discounts on items in the market can be seen, which keeps the bazaars in Kolkata quite busy. Light and sound exhibition, rock music, shimmering lights and delectable food makes the ambiance in the city merrier!


Shillong Christmas Place
A beautiful Christmas celebration waits at Shillong for you. Since, not many people visit Shillong in the winter, you have the chance to celebrate a peaceful yet joyful Christmas here. There is a sizable population of Christians here, thus Christmas is celebrated here with much zeal and enthusiasm. The streets, houses and churches are decorated with shimmering lights; people prepare traditional cuisine and spend time signing carols and hymns in the evening. Few churches also have local bands playing the gospel music.


Manali Christmas Place
Are you dreaming of a white Christmas in India? If yes, Manali can be the right place for you. This popular destine destination is perfect for those who want to celebrate the Christmas amidst real snow. Mostly it snows during the Christmas time in Manali, which gives the tourist the chance to enjoy skiing and making snowman or simply throwing snowball at each other. One may also like to live in one of the log huts that definitely enhance the Christmas mood. However, make sure you book hotels in advance as many people during December visit Manali.


Bangalore Christmas Place
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Christmas is celebrated with exuberant spirit in Bangalore. The entire city gets decked up during the advent season and places like malls, markets and restaurant start to offer discounts and special menus respectively. The areas predominant by Christians are tastefully decorated. A large number of events are organized in the city in order to make Christmas more fascinating and fun. At the churches such as St. Mary’s Basilica, Christian Fellowship Church and City Harvest AG Church one may also like to attend the midnight mass.


Delhi Christmas Place

Vivacious Delhi gets yet another reason to party in December. During the Christmas season, Delhi enjoys a feel of sensation throughout its length and breadth with shopping malls decorated, Christian localities bathed in shimmering lights and clubs and lounges throwing theme parties every now and then. The popularity of this festival can also be proven with the large crowd irrespective of religion in the Sacred Heart Church in Con naught Place in the midnight mass. Even the chilly weather cannot diminish the charm of the warmth of Christmas that this city holds. Delhi is certainly one place in India, where Christmas celebration is worth witnessing.